The Juicy Bits Blog
In the Juicy Bits Blog, we serve up a potpourri of musings, advice, and information about sex, love and relationships. We discuss everything from sexual health to erotic art, from scientific findings to boudoir toys, from the art of flirting to tips for keeping long-term love alive … and more!
Please enjoy our written and video posts! Let us know what you think and feel—we LOVE your comments! And enjoy having them shared, too!
An Overview of the Integral Model of Wholistic Sexuality™
I spend a lot of time thinking and writing about sex, particularly from my integral holistic perspective. I’m always trying to make my paradigm more clear, understandable and elegant. Here’s my latest version of what Wholistic Sexuality is. If you want to read the longer version, it’s is in the library. Wholistic Sexuality is about […]
Simple Sexy Sound
Start to use one of your most multi-purpose tools – your sound – to enhance and amplify pleasure.
Coconut Oil – Is It A Risk for Vaginal Infections? (Part Two)
Part Two of my video blog on coconut oil. I address some concerns people may have about coconut oil – how to serve it up and potential infection risks. Check out part one: Coconut Oil – It’s Not Just For Tanning Anymore!
Are We Really Still Debating Vaginal Orgasm?
The Journal of Sexual Medicine’s recent issue states that “There is general agreement that it is possible to have an orgasm thru the direct simulation of the external clitoris. In contrast, the possibility of achieving climax during penetration has been controversial.” They include the opinions of six scientists with different experimental evidence debating the existence […]
Natural Menstrual Products
It’s an ecology issue – of your body and the world. Discover my favorite alternatives to commercial menstrual products.