Be Vulva Wise
What Does That Mean?
To be VULVA WISE means that you understand the basics of female genital anatomy, including the parts that most people (yes, even sex educators, doctor, midwives and other experts) don’t know about.
What Is This Image?
This is the Female Erectile Network!
It’s an awesome set of interconnected but separate female genital structures all made out of erectile tissue.
What’s Erectile Tissue?
The most familiar form of erectile tissue is in the penis. It’s what enables them to transform from small and soft to big and hard.
Do Women Have the Same Stuff?
Pound for pound and inch for inch, women have just as much erectile tissue as men. It’s just arranged differently. The female genitals contain just as much of this expandable, engorgable, highly pleasurable tissue as male genitals do. Just as much!
Where Is It All?
The erectile tissue makes up the Female Erectile Network. The structures include the three parts of the clitoris; the paired vestibular bulbs; the urethral sponge; and the perineal sponge.
Want to Know More?
For more details about the different structures, take a look at this post: The Missing Female Pleasure Parts
For more information on what’s been misunderstood and neglected, here’s another post: Lost Sexy Bits. (It includes a quickie home play assignment.)
Become VulvaWise!
It’s simple: check out this information. Check out your own or a friendly and willing vulva-owning person’s body. Once you experience all the parts, you’ll be your own expert. Once you know, you’ll be vulvawise!
Want to learn more about women’s astounding, engorgable and delightful erotic equipment?
Find out why Dr. Christiane Northrup has called Women’s Anatomy of Arousal “the most comprehensive, user-friendly, practical and uplifting book on women’s sexuality I’ve ever read. It’s the gold standard!”
Get More Women’s Anatomy of Arousal!

Read the award-winning Women’s Anatomy of Arousal book.
(From The American Assoc of Sex Educators, Counselors & Therapists)
It’s available as a physical book, as a Kindle or an audiobook!
Want Even More Vulva-Wisdom?
You can ‘attend’ the recorded 4-session
online Women’s Anatomy of Arousal course.